Archiwum 23 października 2007

paź 23 2007 Hydrogenation: Reaction of the nitrobenzene...
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MDI is the least hazardous of the commonly available isocyanates, as it has a very low vapour pressure. This reduces its hazards during handling compared to the other major isocyanates (TDI, HDI). However, it, like the other isocyanates, is an allergen and sensitizer. Persons developing sensitivity to isocyanates may have dangerous systemic reactions to extremely small exposures, including respiratory failure. MDI should be not be heated or sprayed except with strict engineering controls and personal protective equipment. It has low human toxicity. It is a reactive material and reacts with hydrogen donors, in some cases violently. Its reaction with water produces carbon dioxide which can burst containers and produce aerosols. Since it polymerizes in the presence of water, its ecological risks are low. Since it polymerizes in the presence of water, its ecological risks are low.
prtr    mdi  
paź 23 2007 European Pollutants Release and Transfer...
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The European PRTR has been established by regulation 166/2006/EC on the first reporting is forseen for the reporting year 2007. For releases to air data for the sectors transport (road traffic, aviation, shipping and railway), military, domestic fuel combustion, solvent use, fossil fuel distribution, agriculture and roofing and road paving with asphalt are included in the inventory. For releases to water diffuse source sectors identified include natural background losses, agriculture, scattered dwellings and diffuse anthropogenic. A pathway related reporting on releases into water based on the MONERIS model - exemplarily presented in the inventory for the Danube river basin - differentiated releases from groundwater, tile drainage, erosion, surface runoff, atmospheric deposition and urban areas. You can find definitions for all sources sectors and pathways within the glossary.The European PRTR is the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register established on the basis of the European PRTR Regulation 166/2006/EC, which entered into force in February 2006. The Regulation has incorporated the provisions of the UN-ECE Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Register under the Aarhus Convention, which was adopted at the Ministerial Conference 'Environment for Europe' in Kiev in May 2003 and has been ratified for the European Union by Council Decision 2006/61/EC