European Pollutants Release and Transfer Register, Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTR) The overall objective of the IOMC Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers Coordinating Group is to improve coordination between international organisations, governments and other interested parties o their ongoing and planned efforts related to the further development and implementation of PRTR General data protection makes collected data inaccessible for public and it is expensive for the national budget. Example: In the Czech Republic the trade secret is defined as "all company's realities of trade, production or technical character which have real or at least potential material or non-material value and which are not usually accessible in the business circles should be protected"(according to paragraph 17, the trades code, 513/1991 Act Collection ). But this definition is too wide for the PRTR system. According to the Czech system REZZO ( the register of air-pollutant sources) all pollutants are allowed to call certain datum a subject of the trade secret even with no reason. The wide definition of the trade secret the is balanced by the act of access to information in some countries, e.g. in Canada. This act can cancel the secret of an information. And in some other codes the term "the trade secret" is defined more strictly. European PRTR means Pollutant Release and Transfer Register. The European PRTR aims to inform the public on environmental issues by providing data about releases of pollutants to the environment and to compile them on a publicly accessible database. In consequence it can contribute to reduce releases of substances which influence the environment and human beings.
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